me, rachel

Today, I went on a field trip.

My Intro to Com Arts class met in the DeVires Theater today, where we got a tour of the set of Tuesdays with Morrie, as well as a general tour of the theater. It was so cool! First, we were told a synopsis of the play, and the set was explained to us. Basically, it’s a bunch of abstract shapes of wired scrim material, which is opaque when lighted from the front and transparent when lighted from the back. Throughout the course of the play, the colors of lights on these pieces changed, similar to the way leaves change colors throughout the year. It was supposed to represent the progression of life as shown in the play.

Then, we got to go up on the catwalk! Sooo cool! I used to be afraid of heights, but this didn’t bother me at all. It was a good thing the catwalk didn’t shake though, or I might have been worried! But looking down over the theater from up there felt like flying!

They also showed us how the curtains work, and, my personal favorite part, the star drop. The star drop is a huge black curtain hung in the very back of the stage, behind the backdrop and everything. Then, there are little pieces of fiber optic poking through. They said that there were nine miles of fiber optic on that curtain! Incredible! Apparently, it took 4-5 weeks of 40-50 hour weeks to finish it! It completely blew me away…before, I just thought it was a big grid of Christmas lights!

I love seeing behind the scenes of things like plays and such, it changes the whole way I see theater!

(photo from
me, rachel

Hey all! I’m Rachel, the “cuteness” behind the blog!

Now, before you go off on me, saying things like, “oh, you think you’re all that, you must be terribly vain,” let me assure you that I didn’t christen myself with that nickname, a few of my very best friends must be held responsible! They said that everything I do ends up terribly cute in some way or another... I’ll leave it up to you to decide if they’re right or not.

I am a college student, living a life that is wonderfully normal to me and possibly completely strange to you. I love people, writing, and mocha. I’m really 19 years old, but sometimes I’m 5 and sometimes I’m 34.

When I’m not studying journalism, I’m hanging out with my super-cool boyfriend, Dave. As a senior electronic media major, he is getting ready to join the real world this spring!

The truest story that can be told is that which is lived. Thanks for letting me share my story with you!